Professional Raccoon Control, Capture or Removal Service
Second on the list of most common nuisance animal, the raccoon can be the most dangerous. Raccoons may live up to twelve years and reach weights to 30-40 pounds. They can be very aggressive if unafraid of humans and cause serious injuries to humans and pets with their large teeth.
Raccoons like squirrels can cause fire hazards in attics due to gnawing on electrical wires. Their scat and urine can carry diseases dangerous to humans and pets. Damage to insulation, vents, and sheetrock can be of concern to the homeowner. Baby raccoons are very commonly heard in the Spring. They make a chirping sound that sounds similar to baby birds. Once a mother raccoon has a litter of babies, they will need to be removed as well.
Raccoons being nocturnal do most of their damage outside the dwelling during the night. They are very smart and often raid pet food dishes for a quick and easy meal. Raccoons will often ravage through garbage cans for their next meal, scattering trash everywhere. Raccoons can also damage landscape and lawns as they dig for worms and grubs. Damage to nesting birds or poultry can be devastating and they will often raid birdhouses in search for eggs or young.
Most concerning for homeowners is that raccoons are vectors to carrying rabies.